Frequently Asked Questions

Accessing ERM

Where can I log into ERM?
Applicants to submit an application Reviewers to review submitted applications You will need your University of Manchester username and password to access the system. If you need assistance with this, please contact the IT Services Helpdesk. Note: IMPORTANT! Students and their supervisors should access the Applicant side only.
Can I access the ERM system off-campus?
Yes, the system can be accessed from any location in which you have a stable internet or Wi-Fi connection. Please use the following browsers Recommended: MS Internet Explorer v 9.0 or later, or other industry-standard web browser of equivalent or better functionality such as Firefox or Chrome. For speed purposes we recommend Firefox or Chrome. Excluded: The following browser versions are specifically excluded from the list of those considered of equivalent or better functionality when using the ERM. • IE < 9.x (including Mac OS versions) • Safari < 3.x • Firefox < 3.x • Opera < 9.5 • Netscape all • Browsers based on Webkit versions released before June 2009. • Any browser of any version running on PowerPC based Apple Macintosh systems. Browser versions are subject to on-going support by the browser manufacturer and may change over time.

Ethical Approval

Where can I find out if I need ethical review?
First seek advice via the Ethics Decision tool available on the Research Governance website. If the tool tells you that ethical review is required please log into the ERM system (using the submission link listed in Question 1) and create a new project. Please also ensure you read the guidance notes featured in the Help Bubble for Question A5 as these will help you to determine the correct route of ethical review.
I’m not confident in the outcome of the Ethics Decision tool, where can I go for more information?
Please contact Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity (RGEI) office by emailing and be sure to include a copy of the outcome text that you received when using the tool. Note: IMPORTANT! Please note the RGEI office is only able to accept queries from supervisors. Student queries will be returned and they will be encouraged to speak with their supervisors in the first instance.
I need to obtain ethical approval via the Health Research Authority (HRA) or the NHS Research Ethics Committee (NHS REC). Can I use the ERM system?
The ERM system should only be used for applications made to the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) or a Division/School panel. All applications to the HRA or NHS REC should be made via IRAS which is a separate system to ERM. For more information on which type of ethical approval is needed for your study, please first use the Ethics Decision Tool. If you still require further information please contact: • For those based in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH): Lynne Macrae • For those based in the Faculties of Science & Engineering or Humanities: Genevieve Pridham
I need NHS R&D approval as well as UREC approval, can I use ERM?
Yes, you can use ERM for the UREC application but you will still need to complete an IRAS application for the NHS R&D portion. For specific guidance on this process, please refer to question A2 in the ERM system. Please refer to the How to create an ethics application PDF guide for information on ERM application completion and visit to complete your IRAS application. Alternatively contact the following individuals: • For those based in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH): Lynne Macrae • For those based in the Faculties of Science & Engineering or Humanities: Genevieve Pridham

My Application Form

I am affiliated with 2 different Divisions or Schools, how do I know which one to select on my form?
Please ensure you select the Division or School of your primary supervisor or if you are a member of staff, the Division or School that is your primary affiliation.
I’m a staff member and also a student, how do I fill in my application form?
You need to consider in what capacity you are conducting the research project. If this is part of a staff project that you have received funding for, then select the Staff option. If this is part of the degree programme that you’re on (UG/PGT/PGR) then please select the Student option.
Can I print my application form?
Yes, please see the PDF training guide or video entitled ’How to create an ethics application’ and instructions for printing are featured under the topic - 6. Printing.
My contact details are incorrectly displayed on my ethics application. How can I change these?
The ERM system automatically imports your contact details from the University’s Open Directory. If these are incorrect, please first visit your Open Directory entry: From here, please click on the purple button at the bottom of the screen entitled ‘Change Your Details’ and update your profile accordingly. If you are unable to change your details then please contact the IT Services Helpdesk for assistance.
How can my supervisor(s) or colleagues read/contribute to my form?
Please ensure you first share the form with your supervisor or colleagues. For instructions on sharing, please refer to PDF training guides or videos entitled ‘How to add contact information’, under a topic - Sharing. Once you have shared the form with your supervisor or colleagues, they will be able to read and contribute to your form. Videos • How to add contact information for Staff • How to add contact information for Students ‘How To’ PDF guides • How to add contact information for Staff • How to add contact information for Students
I’m trying to add/share my application with colleagues and/or my students or requesting their signatures but the system says it can’t locate them? What do I do now?
Please ensure your colleagues and/or students have activated their ERM account. To do this, ask them to log into the Submission side of the ERM system: Once they have done this, the system will keep a record of their details for future use. Note: IMPORTANT! Remember to use the search field located above the contact question to locate the name of your supervisor(s) and auto-populate their correct contact details. Your Supervisor MUST login in ERM at least once in order to activate their account in order for you to use this feature.
How do I sign my form?
Please refer to the PDF training guide or video entitled ‘How to sign request withdraw and respond’.

Ethical Review Process

How long does the ethical review process take?
This will depend on whether you are seeking review via the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) or at Division/School level. On average, the process can take 6-8 weeks for UREC during busy periods and 3-4 weeks for Division/School Review. Please consult the information listed on the splash page of the ERM system (when you submit your project) for approximate timeframes of key stages. Please ensure you take into account these timeframes when submitting your project to allow for plenty of time to complete the ethical review procedure.
How can I see the status of my application during the review process?
First, log into ERM and locate your application. Once opened you will see the ‘form status’ which appears just below the reference number of your application in the left/middle of the screen. The form status will let you know where your application is during the course of the review. Note: IMPORTANT: If the form status says ‘not submitted’ you have not yet clicked the ‘Submit’ button to formally submit your application. You MUST click the ‘Submit’ button in order to submit your application in the ERM system.

After Submission

I made a mistake and need to retrieve my submitted form. What should I do now?
If this occurs, please contact the System administrator Mrs Genevieve Pridham in Research Governance Ethics and Integrity team via the and request that your form is unlocked.
I’m leaving the University and need to hand over my application to a colleague. What should I do now?
If you are a member of staff: Please use the ‘Transfer’ function in ERM to transfer ownership of the form to your colleague who must be a UoM member of staff. For specific steps of how to do this, please refer to the PDF training guide or video entitled ‘How to add contact information’ for both staff and student guide, topic – Transferring ownership. If you are a student, please use an amendment form as outlined in Question 18 below. Videos • How to add contact information for Staff ‘How To’ PDF guides • How to add contact information for Staff
I need to make a change to my approved research project in ERM. What do I do now?
Please seek an amendment request. For specific instructions on seeking an amendment request via the ERM system, please refer to the PDF training guide or video entitled ‘How to make an amendment to an application approved in ERM’.
I received ethical approval 2 years ago for an application that did not go through the ERM system and now need to seek an amendment. What should I do now?
Please first create a historical project form and then complete an amendment request. For specific instructions on seeking an amendment to a historical application via the ERM please refer to the PDF training guide or video entitled ‘How to make an amendment on historical application’.
I’ve lost the email that had my letter of ethical approval, how do I get another copy?
The ERM system automatically saves a copy of all emails and letters generated in the system. You can locate your letters by going into your Notifications at the top of the screen. For more details on locating your letter of ethical approval, please refer to the PDF training guide or video entitled ‘How to make an amendment to an application approved in ERM’, under the topic - Locating the Committee that granted approval. For all archive projects (those approved outside of ERM), please email for assistance in obtaining your letter of ethical approval.
My project was granted an unfavourable ethical opinion, what do I do now?
Please consult your letter of unfavourable ethical opinion sent to you via email or stored in ERM. The letter will outline if your project is eligible for a resubmission. If so, you will need to prepare a new ethics application in ERM and submit via the normal process but being sure to indicate in Question D1 that this is a re-submission. Otherwise, you will need to re-think your research project and develop a new one that does not pose the same ethical issues as your previous submission. Submit new proposal if applicable.